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Download Now This fantastic fifth major update to Pixelmator Pro is free for all existing users, so download it, try it, and let us know how we did. Until next time! Thu Oct 10, pm Great!! But, how do I download it? Now the download link was there and I have updated!!! Fri Oct 11, am The performance improvements are very noticeable. Ml Denoise I have to test a bit more but on optimised pictures it does nothing.

I have to try it on noisy photos I am really pleased how fast and deep the mac dns is implemented. As great Pixelmator pro is, I would love to see that things like layer adjustments, a history tool and soft proofing are implemented. The biggest area it could be pushed forward would be the text toll. Additional filters and effects would be awesome,. In general, our approach has always been to make tools that won't distort or otherwise 'break' images, even under extreme conditions.

It might be that this time we've been a little too conservative, but we have some ideas about how we could tweak the algorithm to make it a little more aggressive. For anyone who's not seeing great results, we'd love it if you could share some samples with us at support pixelmator. As for future updates, we've already started work on a few things and soft proofing is actually pretty much done, so that will be out in the not too distant future.

I think it does a great job of balancing out different factors - as Andrius already owned it - it could be a bit more aggressive. I think that the main issue is not the ML itself but the fact that you cant tweak it to the users likings as it is with color adjustments for example. It should give a good starting point and in the test I did its quite good but in some other scenarios you need some sliders to customise it The Auto-Center option will be remembered for all new documents.

Whether presets are visible or hidden will now be remembered for new documents. Path text layers will now be flipped and rotated around the center of the path rather than the text layer. Document preset names will now be displayed in multiple lines if they do not fit into one. The smart alignment guides would not always appear correctly in certain situations.

On M1 Macs, images would appear transparent if the document was not edited for some time. The underline and outline text styles would not be applied when selected from the shortcut menu. After deleting all the text in a text line and starting to write again, the position of the layer would shift.

When picking colors with the Type tool, these would not be added to recent colors. It was not possible to use the Arrange tool to size layers using decimal values between 0 and 1. The underline and outline text styles would not be applied if selected from the canvas shortcut menu.

When pasting layers from the Pixelmator Pro extension into the main app, they would be pasted as documents. Attempting to rename Crop and Export for Web presets twice in succession would leave the preset name highlighted. When moving the app between Retina and non-Retina displays, the grid that appears when transforming layers would not be updated correctly. When moving the app between Retina and non-Retina displays while transforming text, making further transformations would result in unexpected changes to the font size.

When moving the app between Retina and non-Retina displays while transforming path text, the path would be scaled incorrectly. When adjusting images using the Lightness adjustment, the Shadows and Highlights sliders will now be able to recover more detail. Use the new Gradient Map effect to creatively colorize images using any number of colors. Realistically distort and reshape images using the new Displacement Map effect.

The new High Pass effect lets you quickly separate fine textures and details from images. When hovering over blending modes in the Effects tool, each blending mode will now be instantly previewed in your image. The General tab of Pixelmator Pro preferences has been updated, adding a new Auto appearance option like in System Preferences.

The Align Objects commands now have handy keyboard shortcuts — press and hold the Command-Control keys, then press an arrow key to align edges in that direction, H to align Horizontal centers, or V to align Vertical centers. The Character Spacing slider will now display negative values by default. New gradient stops will now be created with the color of the area you click. The full range of Hue slider in the Selective Color adjustment will now be displayed by default.

When picking colors using the color pickers in the Replace Color and Monochrome adjustments, only areas inside the selected layer could be picked. When opening documents with a large number of effects, adjustments, or styles, the tool options pane could not be scrolled until an effect, adjustment, or style was added or removed. The anchor points and direction handles of shapes would sometimes move at different speeds than from vector paths themselves.

When drawing line shapes with the Inside stroke style applied, these lines would be temporarily rendered incorrectly if they were horizontal or vertical. When drawing paths with the Pen tools, points would not correctly snap into place.

When using Refine Selection and then adjusting selected areas using the Color Adjustments tool, the changes in the selected area would not be flattened correctly. In the About Pixelmator Pro window, the version number is now selectable. An improved Quick Look plug-in for Pixelmator Pro files will now produce full-size file previews in the Finder.

A new version of ML Super Resolution brings improved upscaling of high-contrast textures, better compression artifact removal, including removal of WebP compression artifacts, and better noise removal.

You can now use keyboard shortcuts to align multiple layers according to their edges or centers: press and hold the Control and Command keys and an arrow key to align edges or the H or V keys to align centers. Improvements to zooming bring faster performance and less memory usage.

Pixelmator Pro documents should now be opened faster than in previous versions. The image size presets in the template chooser have been updated. In tools that are grouped together, the most recently selected tool would not be remembered and the first tool in the group would be selected.

Changes made to the Pixelmator Pro workspace in the standalone app would not be reflected in the Photos extension. When exporting images with complex shapes to SVG, this would sometimes take longer than it should. Images containing paths with rounded strokes would be exported to SVG incorrectly. Clipping masks created with shapes that have partially transparent layer styles as well as fully opaque layer styles would be displayed incorrectly.

On M1 Macs, certain Photoshop brushes would be imported incorrectly. PNGs with no assigned color profiles will now be exported more quickly. In Export for Web, PNGs with the "Use advanced compression" setting turned off will also be exported more quickly than before.

Long shutter speed times would be displayed incorrectly in the Color Adjustments tool. In certain cases, switching from a document while ML Super Resolution was being applied would cause Pixelmator Pro to stop responding. The Increase Resolution of Images Automator action would sometimes produce completely white images.

Trying to move a group layer into itself using AppleScript would cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly. Trying to open a Pixelmator Pro document with inadvertently missing color space information would cause the app to quit unexpectedly.

Holding a modifier key while closing the Pixelmator Pro extension in Photos would cause the extension to quit unexpectedly. Attempting to open very large documents would sometimes cause Pixelmator Pro to stop responding or quit unexpectedly. You can turn tooltips on and off in Pixelmator Pro preferences or Option-click when closing a tooltip to turn them off without opening preferences. You can now paste app icons copied from the Finder's Get Info window.

The Style tool will now be automatically selected after converting a selection into a shape. Gradient color stops were not working correctly in the Pixelmator Pro editing extension in Photos. Resizing group layers with text layers inside them and later resizing the individual text layers would result in blurring. Unhiding a masked layer after disabling its mask while the layer was hidden would result in the mask being enabled with a short delay.

Repeatedly using the Repair tool could sometimes cause Pixelmator Pro to stop responding. Convert certain text layers into shapes would cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly. The Fade effect now has a Fade Whites slider that lets you darken the brightest areas of an image. When viewing and changing the pixel size and position of layers using the Arrange and Transform tools, you'll now be able to see decimal values when layers don't exactly align to pixels. When viewing and changing the angle of layers using the Arrange and Transform tools, you'll now be able to see values up to two decimal places.

The blending mode pop-up menu in the Layers sidebar will now always be opened upwards, so you don't have to expand it by scrolling each time. The names of the two Quick Look extensions have been updated to Thumbnails and Full-Size Previews to make it more obvious what each one does. You can now create new documents from the clipboard when the clipboard contains a page from a PDF file. The performance of the Slice tool on macOS 11 has been improved.

They will now be opened as bit RGB images. Drawing outside the canvas using the Repair tool would cause an area to not be repaired. Picking pure white using the Select Color Range tool would not work if the tool was just opened.

When editing text in sheets, certain keyboard shortcuts that can be used to both edit text and edit layers will be disabled so only the text is edited. When using the Effects tool and dragging layers with the Command-drag shortcut while their effect ropes are visible, the position of the rope would not be updated.

RAW images with non-standard bias values used to decode the RAW and apply initial exposure adjustments would be opened incorrectly. Undo steps would sometimes not be created when editing gradient colors stops, most often when using the Apple Colors window. Leaving the Crop tool active for a longer period of time without making any edits would automatically crop the image with the active settings after some time. The previews of gradients with colors in the Display P3 color space would be displayed incorrectly with documents without a color profile.

EXR and other images with extended range color information would not be opened. After turning on soft proofing, choosing a profile, then turning off soft proofing, the document's subtitle would show that soft proofing was still on.

Export adjustments as LUTs to use in other compatible graphics, video, and even 3D apps. ML Match Colors has been improved to better copy the looks of images with similar content. The Color Balance adjustment can now change the colors of faded areas. The gradient well now has an always-visible button to indicate that it can be opened.

Shadows and Highlights adjustments would increase the saturation of colors, when they shouldn't. Quick Export would not work correctly on less powerful Mac computers. When using the Export command to export images with periods in their names, the part of the file name after the final period would be removed.

Pixelmator Pro 1. Pixelmator Pro is now scriptable using AppleScript with an extensive and full-featured scripting dictionary. Write scripts using over 60 application-specific commands together with all the standard AppleScript terms. Check out the Pixelmator Pro dictionary in the Script Editor app and learn more about scripting with Pixelmator Pro on our Tutorials site. The Repair and Clone tools now work nondestructively with RAW layers, preserving all their extended dynamic range data.

The performance of the Repair tool has been improved — starting a Repair tool brushstroke should now be much faster and the tool should also be more responsive in large images. The Paint tools will now start painting more quickly and responsively while the image is being scrolled, zoomed, or otherwise animated. When using the Repair tool with Sidecar and Apple Pencil, it should now be a little less sensitive to pressure changes to make it easier to paint strokes with more consistent sizes.

The Repair tool overlay would sometimes not be visible when layers were behind certain other layers. The scrollbars would not work correctly when drawing shapes with the Pen tool. In certain cases, it was not possible to edit the text inside path text layers. Text would sometimes shift slightly when starting to transform path text or edit its path.

The two-finger canvas rotation gesture can now be disabled using the following Terminal command: defaults write com.

Quickly and easily type text on a path, in a circle, or along any shape. Use the friendly new welcome screen to more easily open images and create new ones. Version 3 brings quality improvements, a progress bar, and support for RAW images. Or, to start typing on any existing path or shape, simply click any of its edges using any Type tool. Use the new Shift-T keyboard shortcut to cycle through Type tools.

Text layers typed on paths can be easily converted into shapes. Use the new canvas rotation feature to freely rotate your canvas to any angle. You can rotate the canvas using the rotate Multi-Touch gesture. Press and hold the Space bar and R key together, then drag to quickly rotate the canvas when using any tool. You can also choose to always show or hide canvas rotation controls in the View menu.

A friendly new welcome screen makes it easier to open your existing images, create new ones, and open photos from your Photos library. The Welcome screen appears automatically when you open Pixelmator Pro, but you can also open it from the Window menu or using the Shift-Command-1 keyboard shortcut. Preview files in the new Welcome screen using Quick Look by pressing the Space bar on your keyboard. Converting a masked layer that has been transformed using the Transform tool into pixels would not work correctly.

Transforming group layers containing layers that have been recently masked would not work correctly. On macOS Graphical artifacts would sometimes appear when resizing or moving layers in certain situations. If a text layer is hidden or locked while the text in it is being edited, text editing mode will now be exited automatically. Automatically resizable path text layers on open paths would stop expanding once one edge of the path was reached.

Now, the text box will also expand to the opposite edge. After changing the size of an image, the zoom level will no longer be automatically adjusted to keep the image the same visible size on the screen. The layer handles of locked path text layers were incorrect. The layer outline of text layers would not update if the macOS accent color was changed while Pixelmator Pro was open.

The layer outline of empty text layers would not be displayed correctly when editing them. Path text layers that automatically resize would not be correctly flipped along paths. Flipped path text layers on closed paths would not be displayed correctly. In certain cases, the highlighting that shows text is selected would not be visible. Ligatures will no longer be used in path text layers as this can make text appear to be displayed incorrectly.

If two text layers were overlapping and the lower layer was selected, clicking to select the upper layer would cause the text of the lower layer to start being edited.

Now, the upper layer will be selected. When using drag and drop to insert text or emoji into a path text layer and dropping it into empty areas at the beginning or the end of the path text box, it would be inserted incorrectly. Using the Option-scroll gesture to zoom would not always work when using a Magic Mouse. In certain cases, undoing changes made using Trim Canvas would cause parts of the image to disappear. In rare cases, creating a path text layer would cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly.

Quickly choose colors using hex color codes right in the new color picker. A new, Metal-powered overlay brings much improved performance. Replace image layers while preserving all their layer styles, color adjustments, effects, and other nondestructive features. Use a number of new keyboard shortcuts to edit images more efficiently. Enjoy support for opening and exporting images in WebP format.

The all-new color picker lets you choose and manage colors more easily than ever. See a list of your most recently picked colors to more easily reuse them. Easily pick a series of colors from your image, view color codes, and closest color names using the new Color Picker tool.

Save color swatches to custom color palettes and even share Pixelmator Pro color palettes with others. With any shape tool selected, shapes will now always be drawn immediately, even on top of other existing shapes to make it easier to create illustrations.

See your most recently used fonts at the top of the font pop-up menu. To temporarily select or move shapes while using any shape tool, you can now press and hold the Command key. When using the Arrange tool or one of the shape tools and having a shape layer selected, pressing the Enter key will start editing the shape.

When opening large Pixelmator Pro documents, a thumbnail of the image will now be displayed in the progress dialog. Locked layers will no longer be automatically selected on the canvas. Stroke performance has been significantly improved and layer strokes are now at least 10x faster. Text layers can now have Inside and Outside strokes along with the current Center stroke. The appearance of strokes has been improved for rotated and transformed images.

The quality of strokes of text layers converted into pixels has also been improved. You can now show or hide the overlay which includes the selection outline, guides, grid, layer handles using the Shift-Command-H keyboard shortcut. You can now insert a new image layer from your Mac using the Option-Shift-Command-N keyboard shortcut.

After changing the style of line shapes, it will now be remembered for future line shapes you draw, just like regular shapes. The blending mode and opacity of locked layers would not be displayed correctly.

Certain effects such as Perspective Transform would not be converted into pixels correctly. Cutting part of a layer and undoing the changes would sometimes cause graphical glitches.

Using the Repair tool repeatedly on an empty layer with Sample All Layers turned on would sometimes cause parts of the repaired areas to reappear. Processing a large number of files using the Pixelmator Pro actions in Automator would sometimes increase memory usage more than necessary. When copying and pasting between documents, some layers would not be placed correctly and it would sometimes cause blurring. When exporting to PSD, layer masks would not be preserved. When exporting to PSD, hidden layers would be saved without any content.

Changing the size of a brush in the internal settings of a brush preset could cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly. Shift-clicking to draw straight lines when using the Paint tool will now ignore brush dynamics like opacity and size based on pressure or speed. Selections in documents that are taller or wider than 32, pixels would not work.

When pasting a mask applied to an empty layer, the position of the mask would be incorrect. Zooming in very narrow or very wide images would work unreliably. When using the Color Picker tool to sample colors, they would not be added to the list of recent colors. When using the color picker in the Photos extension, swatches were not working correctly and the picker would be animated incorrectly. A number of different stability and performance improvements have been added to make sure Pixelmator Pro keeps running smoothly.

The new Replace Image feature adds a way to replace image layers while preserving all their layer styles, color adjustments, effects, and other nondestructive features. You can now create a mask from an image using the Choose Mask command in the Format menu. The Command-I keyboard shortcut has been reassigned from the Invert adjustment to the new Invert command. The Shift-Command-V keyboard shortcut will now insert a new layer from the Finder. The Option-Command-G keyboard shortcut will now create and release clipping masks.

The Option-Command-comma , keyboard shortcut will now toggle layer visibility. Option-clicking Add Mask in the Layers sidebar shortcut menu will now add a mask that reveals all the contents of the masked layer instead of hiding everything. If you Option-click Add Mask with an active selection, the selected area will be hidden by the mask rather than everything outside the mask. The largest icons were missing from the Pixelmator Pro app icon set.

Certain layers would not appear after hiding and showing their parent group layers. Opening very large documents would occasionally cause Pixelmator Pro to stop responding.

Control-clicking the layer mask in the Layers sidebar would not make the shortcut menu appear. Rotating certain low-resolution images by 90 degrees would introduce blurring. Drag and dropping images was not working correctly on Mac computers with Intel Iris graphics processors running macOS Solid white or solid black layer masks would not be preserved when exporting to PSD.

The color of text layers would shift slightly when exporting to PSD. Layers created using the Copy and Paste as Layer or Cut and Paste as Layer commands will now have the same opacity and blending settings as the original layers.

The default images for the Image and Pattern fill effects have been updated. Performance when making complex selection paths has been improved. Text layers in Pixelmator Pro documents created with versions prior to 1. The appearance of the marching ants which indicate an active selection would sometimes be incorrect.

When exporting to PSD, horizontal and vertical line shapes will now be saved as such. Documents with empty layer names would not be correctly exported to PSD format.

Transforming group layers containing completely empty layers would cause Pixelmator Pro to stop responding. The Quit Pixelmator Pro command would become inactive after dragging and dropping large images from the preview of the Export for Web tool.

Moving selected layer content would sometimes work incorrectly. Having a series of periods in the name of a file would result in the filename being truncated during export. Rotating an image using the Crop tool and then using the Delete mode to crop it would not work correctly. Editing shape paths using the Style tool while the gradient handles were visible would not work correctly. When moving between Retina and non-Retina screens, the appearance of shape paths would change.

In certain rare cases, drawing selections would cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly. Use the new ML Denoise to intelligently remove noise and even image compression artifacts from photos. Enjoy big improvements to performance with at least 10x faster zooming and scrolling, up to 2.

Open SF Symbols templates, customize them to create your own symbols, and even drag and drop symbols right into existing documents.

Ther new Vignette adjustment lets you easily add artistic vignettes to your photos. Performance in compositions with a large number of layers has been improved again, this time layer moving and editing is up to 10x faster. The quality and performance of the Freeform Pen tool has been much improved, while the regular Pen tool has received a few handy new features. Use machine learning magic to increase the resolution of images while keeping them sharp and detailed.

ML Super Resolution is now better at upscaling very compressed images, keeping edges even sharper, preserving small color details, and upscaling faces and portrait photos.

Zooming and scrolling are now at least 10 times faster thanks to asynchronous rendering. Plus, it's always responsive, even if the image preview isn't quite yet ready. Effects will now be applied and rendered up to 3 times faster. All painting tools including brush-based retouching tools are now up to 2 times faster. The Color Adjustments, Effects, and Zoom tools now have shortcut menus on the canvas to adjust image zoom and customize viewing.

In the Color Profile pop-up menu, None has been moved to the bottom of the list and any custom color spaces will be shown at the top. The Select Color Range tool now makes better selections of dark regions. The Free mode in the Free Transform Mode has been renamed to Resize because that's what it actually does.

An alert will now appear when documents cannot be saved due to insufficient permissions. An updated version of the Gilbert Color font adds Katakana characters. Using the Export command in the File menu would sometimes export smaller than expected images. Attempting to save documents with very complex selections would sometimes cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly.

Images with large custom color spaces would be opened incorrectly. When copying and pasting between documents, certain layers would occasionally be positioned incorrectly. Occasionally, when painting on layers, they would shift slightly. When converting rotated vector shapes into pixels, they would sometimes shift slightly. When using the Free Selection tool, the cursor would not update when moving it from the Tool Options pane onto the canvas.

On rare occasions, Pixelmator Pro would stop responding or quit unexpectedly when resizing text. When moving or transforming multiple layers, any hidden layers will now also be transformed. The Delete key will now clear selections and delete layers just like the Backspace key does.

Layer style presets with large color spaces now load over x faster. Reduced the loading speed and memory usage of color adjustment, effect, and layer style data. Pixelmator Pro Automator actions are now up to 5x faster when processing large amounts of images. This update includes fixes for a number of related color management issues, including: Numerical RGB values in the Colors window changing in different color spaces. Issues with keeping the colors of Styles and Effects in sync with the document color space.

Keeping all letters in the same color space when editing text layers. Correctly matching colors when pasting layers from documents in different color spaces. Correctly matching the colors of effects, color adjustments, and layer styles when pasting between documents in different color spaces. When switching between documents while editing text in a text layer, unnecessary undo steps were registered.

When pasting long passages of text, it would wrap incorrectly. Copying and pasting text within Pixelmator Pro would sometimes scale it by 2x. When cropping images using the Delete mode, Pixelmator Pro would occasionally stop responding. The My Templates shortcut menu was not working in languages other than English. In macOS The Font pop-up menu would sometimes get stuck and it would not be possible to change fonts.

If a photo has been cropped nondestructively, the new Vignette will be applied to the cropped image. Performance in compositions with a large number of layers has been improved again, this time layer moving and editing is up to 10x faster in some cases.

The last used soft proofing profile will be remembered across different documents, so you can now preview a new document with the last used profile by simply pressing the Command-Y keyboard shortcut. The Clone tool has been improved with: Smaller brush spacing for a much smoother cloning experience. When cropping, you can now move the crop area using the arrow keys. The quality and performance of the Freeform Pen tool have been much improved — fewer vector points will be added to the lines you draw to reflect how vector paths are usually drawn manually.

When drawing a path with the regular Pen tool, you can now split the direction line of your current anchor point as you add it by pressing and holding the Option key.

In the middle of drawing a path with the Pen tool, you can now also edit any visible direction lines by Command-dragging to move them, or Option-dragging to split the two sides of a direction line and move each individually. The Replace Color adjustment is now better at replacing black, white, and shades of grey. When adjusting gradient fills added with the Style tool, you can now move the position of the gradient by dragging the gradient direction line on the canvas.

Using the color picker to change the color of partially selected text in a text layer would not work. When using the Styles, Effects, or Color Adjustments tools and picking colors with the color picker in the Colors window, undo steps would not be registered. Type tool presets were not being displayed correctly on macOS When adding effects from the Generator group, layer thumbnails would not be displayed correctly.

The Smart Erase tool was not erasing in all areas of an image. The appearance of the buttons the Trim Canvas dialog would be incorrect while the dialog was sliding in to appear. The Sharpen tool was not working correctly at all Zoom levels. Clicking to add a line shape would place its endpoints between pixels by default. The new Show Source Marker option for the Clone tool lets you show and hide the occasionally inconvenient source marker. It was not possible to undo text color changes after selecting text in a text box and using the sliders in the Colors window to change its color with a Force Touch trackpad.

When using Export for Web to export images at 2x and 3x scale factors, shape layers would not be exported correctly. When applying certain effects to layer masks, Pixelmator Pro would sometimes stop responding. The new ML Super Resolution feature lets you increase the resolution of images without blurriness or reduced quality using state-of-the-art machine learning.

ML Denoise has been significantly improved, bringing between 2 to 4 times more accurate noise analysis and removal. The Image Size and Color Depth dialogs now have help buttons, leading you to the relevant help pages. Changing the Resolution value in the Image Size dialog will now change the pixel size of an image under all circumstances, rather than only with print units selected.

Using the painting and retouching tools as a scrolling action was ending would not be possible, now these tools will start working as soon as scrolling stops, no matter when the painting action was started. Duplicating a selected part of a layer with nondestructive effects applied to it would cause Pixelmator Pro to stop responding. After changing the size of an image or using ML Super Resolution , the visible part of the canvas will be preserved.

The maximum range of the Sharpen color adjustment has been extended to pixels. Because it was prone to causing confusion, resizing images using the Bilinear algorithm will be destructive, just like the other algorithms are. After upscaling images using ML Super Resolution, certain pixels would become very slightly transparent.

The Add Sketch command would create a new document rather than insert the sketch into the existing document. Selecting part of an image, deleting the selected area, undoing the edits, and repeating the same steps again would result in the layer disappearing. Attempting to export layers that have only numbers in their name using the Export for Web tool would cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly.

Sometimes, editing shape layers within groups would cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly. The incredible new editing extension brings the entire Pixelmator Pro app to Photos. The all-new zoom tool lets you zoom and navigate around images with ease.

The Crop tool now has a Delete mode, redesigned presets, and the ability to crop to custom sizes. Create new images using image size templates for a variety of iPhone, Mac, and Apple Watch devices. The incredibly powerful new Photos extension lets you edit images using Pixelmator Pro without ever leaving the Photos app. Save layers and other nondestructive changes directly to your Photos library and sync between computers via iCloud.

Enjoy support for all Pixelmator Pro keyboard shortcuts in Photos. Effortlessly zoom and scroll images with the brand new Zoom tool. Use the Navigator to navigate around large images while zoomed in. Check out the updated Crop tool — it now has a Delete mode, redesigned presets, and the ability to crop to custom pixel sizes. Use the new Delete mode to permanently delete unwanted image areas after cropping.

Crop presets have been moved to the Tool Options pane, freeing up more editing space for your image. Flip Vertically and Flip Horizontally commands are now available in the Crop tool. Copying and pasting layered files from Finder or your desktop works, too.

The Paint and Erase tools have been redesigned, moving presets into the Tool Options pane, highlighting individual brushes, and freeing up editing space for your image. The Slice tool has also got itself a makeover, incorporating its presets into the Tool Options pane. The template chooser now includes a Devices category with iPhone, Mac, Apple Watch, and other screen sizes.

Significantly improved performance when editing images with a large number of layers. Pixelmator Pro now supports gradients and layer styles from the original Pixelmator.

Items in the Info bar are now double-clickable so you can quickly change the size, color profile, color depth of your image or choose the Arrange tool. The Option-L keyboard shortcut now shows or hides the Layers sidebar. When using the Repair or Clone tools, the Sample All Layers setting will now be disabled when a layer has effects, adjustments, or styles as this produces unexpected results. Pixelmator Pro presets in Automator will now update as soon as they are changed in Pixelmator Pro without having to quit the app.

When exporting to PDF, you can change the color profile of the exported image in the Export dialog. Pressing and holding the Shift and Command keys while using the Free Transform tool would not highlight the Skew button. Pressing and holding the Option, Command, and Shift keys while using the Free Transform tool would not highlight the Perspective button.

The Cancel button was not working in the Open progress dialog. Colors in the Touch Bar were not being matched to the document color space. Along with Command-clicking, you can now Control-click and secondary click the document title to see the document path. Using the Enter key to select a blending mode from the blending mode pop-up menu would not work.

Dragging and dropping hidden layers to the Finder would export empty images. Layers created using the Cut and Paste commands would sometimes be positioned incorrectly. On rare occasions, the Grain effect could cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly. In certain cases, when cropping images with masked layers using the Delete mode, Pixelmator Pro could stop responding.

When opening photos using the extension, if the associated Pixelmator Pro file is in iCloud Drive, the extension will attempt to download it before opening. If the extension cannot save to iCloud Drive, it will try to save to the Pictures folder instead.

If that also fails, you will be offered to save the layered file to a custom location. The layout of the reshaping tools in the Touch Bar was incorrect. The keyboard shortcuts for changing the visibility of the Tools sidebar, switching between the Thumbnails and List view in the Layers sidebar, and inverting selections were incorrect. Failing to open a photo using the extension would cause it to quit unexpectedly.

Now, an alert will be shown and the preview of the photo will be opened instead. It was previously possible to attempt open the Photos extension while it was still loading, which would cause it to quit unexpectedly. With filtering and searching, finding just the layers you're looking for is easier than ever. Clipping masks let you effortlessly clip the contents of one layer to the shape of another — even layer groups and nested shapes!

You can now change a layer's opacity settings and blending mode right in the Layers sidebar. Pixelmator Pro now opens any photos taken in Portrait mode together with a handy layer mask. Tabs are awesome so Pixelmator Pro will now use tabs by default. Several additional keyboard shortcuts make it easier to select, organize, and duplicate layers.

Match the look of any photo using the incredibly intelligent, machine learning-powered ML Match Colors. Use Free Transform to easily adjust perspective, skew, distort, and even resize layers using different image scaling algorithms.

Easily color-code layers using handy color tags to make important objects easier to spot or bring some extra organization to advanced illustrations and designs. Filter layers according to layer type images, text, shapes, and groups , color tags, or both. Quickly adjust layer opacity and blending mode right in the Layers sidebar. Use clipping masks to clip the contents of one layer to the outline of another — even layer groups or nested shapes!

Add clipping masks from the shortcut menu in the Layers sidebar, by Option-clicking between two layers, or from the Format menu. Release a clipping mask by double-clicking the arrow in the Layers sidebar. When opening Photoshop documents with color tags, they will now be both opened and saved.

Convert into Pixels is now a fully-fledged rasterize button and will rasterize any layer, including image layers with adjustments, effects, layer styles, and transformations.

When converting hidden layers into pixels, they will no longer be rasterized into empty layers. Double-clicking any shape — including Smart Shapes — will now make it editable. Exporting documents with layer styles in effects in Photoshop format has been much improved. Fixed several blur issues with converting certain kinds of layers groups and shapes with effects into pixels.

Copying and pasting selected content would sometimes result in blurring. On rare occasions, resizing the crop box while holding the Command key would blur the image or leave 1 pixel-wide lines at its edges. Documents containing many layers with lots of nondestructive styles and effects would sometimes have unwanted vertical and horizontal artifacts. Pixelmator Pro will now always use tabs by default and remember your window size and position for all new documents.

Use the new Comics effect to quickly apply a comic book-style to any image — you can find this effect in the Stylize category.

A number of new keyboard shortcuts make it easier to select, organize, and duplicate layers. Option-Left bracket [ and Option-Right bracket ] let you select one layer up and down. Option-Comma , and Option-Period. Option-Arrow will now duplicate layers and move them by 1 pixel. Option-Shift-Arrow will duplicate and move by 10 pixels. Zoom performance improvements speed up zooming in documents with many layers. Pressing the Return key while drawing a path will now close the path.

The Repair tool progress bar will no longer be shown when making quick, small repairs. The Brightness adjustment is now more precise in images with extreme tonal ranges. Previously, the Channel Mixer used our perceptual color model to make prettier adjustments.

Attempting to use the Color Fill or Gradient Fill tools on text or shape layers will now create an empty new layer and fill that instead of doing nothing at all. Whenever possible, Pixelmator Pro will try to preserve the font face when changing font family. Improved compatibility with certain kinds of text layers in Photoshop documents. Pixelmator Pro was performing slowly in the latest version of macOS on certain , , and Mac computers.

This version includes a workaround with a fix. Due to new font smoothing introduced in macOS Holding the Z key to choose the Zoom tool would make Pixelmator Pro beep inappropriately. Layers would incorrectly snap to grids based on non-pixel units. New documents created from text or shape layers in the clipboard would not be correctly aligned to the canvas. After dragging to rearrange parts of text within a text layer, changes would be undone incorrectly.

Pixelmator Pro workflows in the Automator app were not working correctly when RAW files would be automatically converted to Pixelmator Pro format using the Auto Enhance action.

With the incredible ML Match Colors, you can now match the colors of different images using breakthrough machine learning. The all-new Free Transform tool makes it a breeze to freely resize objects, adjust perspective, distort, skew, and rotate. When dragging and dropping objects into compositions, press and hold the Command key to automatically use ML Match Colors on the inserted object. Transform layers using four different modes — Free, Skew, Distort, and Perspective. Choose from 3 unique algorithms — Bilinear, Lanczos, and Nearest Neighbor — when transforming individual layers and layer groups.

The high-quality perspective transformation algorithms in Pixelmator Pro better preserve image detail compared with other image editors. Use the grid when transforming to guide your transformations or turn it off, if you prefer. When transforming, press and hold the Command key and drag any handle to temporarily distort instead of resizing.

Press and hold the Shift and Command keys together and drag any handle to temporarily skew. Press and hold the Option, Shift, and Command keys together and drag any handle to temporarily adjust perspective. When resizing, press and hold the Shift key to constrain proportions.

Press and hold the Option key to resize from the center. Automatically center inserted objects by pressing and holding the Shift key while dropping them into your composition. Constrain Proportions will now be enabled for RAW layers by default. You can now drag and drop colors from one color well to another. Improved zoom performance for compositions with a large number of layers.

When using the Repair tool, its progress indicator will now appear on the canvas rather than below the toolbar. When inserting objects, a progress indicator will now appear on the canvas. Display P3 has been promoted to a common profile within the color profile list. When pasting shapes with masks, masks would sometimes be copied incorrectly. Layers would sometimes flicker when erasing any areas around their edges. When using the Clone tool, the source indicator would remain visible on RAW layers.

A partially transparent outline of the Open dialog would sometimes remain visible after opening images. Cropping using custom aspect ratio presets would sometimes be imprecise. Original Pixelmator documents with non-standard color profiles would be opening with shifted colors. When creating a selection with multiple layers and using certain nondestructive tools, the Deselect command would not work correctly. When opening Photoshop documents, PPI settings would not be correctly preserved.

When resizing layer groups with certain effects applied, layers could disappear at specific scales. With an all-new light appearance, Pixelmator Pro adapts seamlessly to the light and dark modes in macOS Mojave. Batch process images using five powerful Pixelmator Pro actions inside the Automator app. The performance of all the brush-based tools, such as the Paint tool, retouching tools, and reshaping tools, has been improved. A bigger brush size limit, better Quick Selection tool performance, and a range of stability fixes round off this update.

The Color Balance adjustment has a brand new design, inspired by professional color grading tools. When using the Image Size command, you can now choose from three image resizing algorithms — Bilinear, Lanczos, and Nearest Neighbor. A gorgeous new light appearance lets you experience Pixelmator Pro in a whole new way — and you can change appearance any time in Pixelmator Pro preferences.

Use ML Enhance to automatically improve the look of any photo using a machine learning algorithm trained on millions of professional photos. Create even richer, more vibrant graphics and designs with colorful SVG fonts — the Gilbert Color font is included with this update. Accent color support means the buttons and sliders in Pixelmator Pro will now match your preferences.

You can now change the color of the Pixelmator Pro window background in Pixelmator Pro preferences. After hiding and showing the Pixelmator Pro Tool Options pane, certain buttons would not be updated when using the Arrange tool.

When scrolling inside the brush size text field to resize the retouching and distort tools, the ratio between the brush size and scroll speed was incorrect.

Closing a document while using the Quick Selection tool would occasionally cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly. The Color Selection tool was not working correctly in all images.

The performance of the painting, retouching, and reshaping tools has been improved. The maximum brush size has been increased from to pixels. You can now invert the brush Shape and Grain textures by clicking the word Shape or Grain below the preview and choosing Invert. Improved preset importing experience: after importing a collection of brushes, the new collection will become active, after importing some custom shapes, the Shapes palette will become visible, after importing effect or adjustment presets, the Effects and Color Adjustments tools will become active.

Brush previews will now be generated without slowing down the interface, which should speed up importing collections of large brushes. When opening images from Aperture, Pixelmator Pro will now attempt to save changes back to the original image. The Color Adjustments and Effects tools will now be opened more quickly. Hovering over a gradient color stop and color midpoint will now show its position.

Adjusting character spacing while having the insertion point between two characters will now change the spacing between those two characters. The look of the text selection background color in macOS Mojave has been improved. The thumbnails of small layers are now more accurate in the Layers sidebar and Presets bar.

When selecting an empty layer while the Color Adjustments or Effects tool is active, thumbnails in the Touch Bar would not update correctly. When a document is opened with a layer group selected, the Arrange tool will now be updated correctly. Fixed a number of graphical glitches that would appear while painting, such as vertical and horizontal lines, rendering issues, and parts of brushstrokes not appearing after until after the mouse was released.

Fixed a memory leak with closing documents that have group layers. Improved handling of brush textures — the orientation of the brush texture previews will now be correct.

Masked areas will now be preserved when exporting images using Export for Web with a non-1x scale. Undoing and redoing canvas size changes will no longer shift objects. When painting quick brushstrokes, the ends of the stroke would sometimes be rendered incorrectly.

Fixed an issue that would make Pixelmator Pro quit unexpectedly when using certain selection tools. Using the Reveal Canvas command would occasionally blur layers in certain situations. The Crop and Slice buttons would not be highlighted in the toolbar when selected. Fixed an issue that would cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly if a document was immediately closed upon opening. Closing a document while zooming would occasionally cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly.

Pixelmator Pro would sometimes quit unexpectedly when opening certain kinds of Photoshop documents. The Color Balance adjustment has been redesigned and can now be edited using color wheels inspired by those used in the cinema industry to color grade films.

Along with adjusting the color tints of the shadows, midtones, and highlights, the new Color Balance now includes sliders for adjusting their brightness and saturation as well. A Master wheel lets you adjust the Color Balance of an entire image at once. Color Balance can also be improved automatically using the ML Fix feature, trained on millions of professional photos.

Bilinear is the standard resizing algorithm, good for most uses. Lanczos can preserve small details better when upscaling and downscaling. The Grain adjustment has been improved to apply photographic grain more naturally, especially when an image has small details and large grain particles.

Use two new Automator actions — Scale Images and Trim Images — to batch resize images and batch delete transparent or solid colored areas from the edges of images. The last used document size now appears as an option in the template chooser.

The currently active tool will be marked with a checkmark in the Tools menu. Dragging a layer from the Layers sidebar onto the export preview without having created any slices will now create a new slice. ML Enhance will now be unhighlighted if an adjustment is removed.

The look of the Curves adjustment has been improved in macOS Mojave. All edited curves will now be visible when editing all channels, not just RGB.

The Trim Canvas command will now work better with thin images. Fixed various situations where effects ropes were not in sync with the image. The thumbnails of empty masks applied to empty layers would not be visible. On rare occasions, closing a document would make Pixelmator Pro quit unexpectedly.

The new Export for Web feature gives you a modern way to easily prepare your images for the web with export presets, Quick Export options, and advanced PNG compression. The new Slice tool lets you divide designs into individual images and optimize each one separately.

Thanks to SVG support, you can now open, edit, and export resolution-independent vector images. Quickly create vector shapes from selections in your images. This update adds a whole bunch of new effects — a gorgeous Light Leak effect, stylish Bokeh, Spin blur, Noise, Clouds, and more. The Selective Color adjustment can now be applied automatically to improve individual colors in an image using machine learning.

Change the histogram type when using the Color Adjustments tool by Control-clicking the histogram and choosing a new type. You should now be able to select, move, and start editing layers in complex documents much more quickly. Large and complex documents should now be opened much faster — in some cases over 10 times faster.

This update brings lots of other improvements, including extended ranges for a number of blur effects, improvements to adding and managing guides, and more. Advanced Compression lets you shrink image sizes to the smallest possible without losing quality. See handy live previews when formatting text and adjusting layer blending.

Use Select Color Range to make selections of precise colors or entire color ranges. Learn all about using Pixelmator Pro with easy to follow video and text tutorials on the new Tutorials page. The Pixelmator Pro Help menu has been improved and now shows search results from the online user guide. When moving guides, their position will now be shown in the current ruler units rather than pixels.

Dragging a guide while holding the Shift key will now snap the guide to each ruler tick mark. You can now show or hide each of the buttons in the Pixelmator Pro toolbar. When using the Arrange tool, choosing the Reset preset will now reset the rotation of text, shape, and group layers as well as image layers. You can now change layer opacity using the number keys when using the Style tool. When you select a layer in the canvas, the Layers sidebar will scroll to reveal it.

Pressing and holding the Command key will now let you move layers while using the Free Selection tool. In addition to Command-D, you can now press the Escape key to deselect a selection. The Pen tool now draws much more precisely, especially when using a Magic Mouse. The Photo Browser has been recoded to reduce loading times and prevent issues when Photos libraries would not load.

Start Drawing and Close Path now appear as options when control-clicking a point while editing an open vector path. Undoing an image size change would not restore layers to their previous positions. Using the Command key to move a layer while using the Paint tool would cause graphical glitches.

When editing individual paths within a shape, the position of any gradient fills will no longer change. Layer thumbnails would not update when moving a selected image area.

When using any shape tool, the add shape cursor would not appear if an existing shape was selected even when it was possible to draw a new shape. The Zoom button in the toolbar would not update after moving a Pixelmator Pro window between Retina and non-Retina displays.

Moving a selected image area within a group would move the group instead of the selected area. It was not possible to move, select, or draw new shapes while editing the gradient fill of an existing shape.

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    Nov 23,  · Pixelmator Pro Released on November 20, There’s a new color adjustment: it’s called Vignette and it works like the one in Pixelmator Photo, helping you add artistic vignettes to your photos. If a photo has been cropped nondestructively, the new .

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    Oct 16,  · Pixelmator Pro just got an awesome major update! Version (codenamed Avalon) brings full support for macOS Catalina, the upcoming Mac Pro and Pro Display XDR, introduces intelligent, machine-learning powered noise removal, big performance improvements, and a .

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